Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sweetly Voiced

My name is Melissa Lee and my blog is Sweetly Voiced.

I'm a Type 1 Diabetic since childhood (see continuous glucose monitoring sensor attached to arm) and am Lead Admin for TuDiabetes - a social network for people touched by diabetes.  I've also been a professional singer and private voice instructor for the last 10 years.  And I'm a new mommy - a battle with blood sugars and high A1c that is, to date, my biggest triumph.  (One look at my little Sweetie's face and you'll see that it was all worth it.)

As a writer and singer, I've always had a clear and unique voice.  Don't know how I'll come across as a blogger - I've been struggling for a long time with the idea of laying it all out here.  I'm loud and ostentatious - not always sweet - but this will be my attempt to sprinkle the blogosphere with my own crazy brand of sugar.

My posts will no doubt be sporadic and erratic - bananas in my hair, prying my insulin pump from her ever-exploring fingers, juggling aspiring teen pop stars in my never-clean house.

We'll have a good time though.  Just follow the sound of my voice.


  1. I am so excited your voice will be here!!!

  2. I LOVE the name of your blog! So creative!!!

  3. I have always loved your writing! Can't wait to read more.

  4. I'm so excited for you to be entering the D-blog arena! Very clever blog title, indeed :)

  5. How am I only finding out about this NOW???

    I'm happy to hear more of your voice. :)
