Monday, April 16, 2012

The Implemented

Today's Prompt: Pinboard. Create a pinterest board for your health focus. Pin 3 things. What did you pin? Share the images in a post and explain why you chose them.

I'm really new to Pinterest. Joined a couple of months ago and still don't really get it. I'm learning in, I read the about yesterday so that I could figure out what I'm supposed to be doing and why I'm supposed to be addicted.

I imagine it's how I felt about Twitter and that this is yet another social media forum du jour that I'm behind on and to which I will eventually succumb.


When I got home from my appointment with my CDE (certified diabetes educator), after napping the littles, I tested my crappy blood sugar resulting from my hasty fast food lunch and created a pinboard called Type 1 Diabetes.

I wanted three images that went together to tell a story of what it looks like diabetes is all about - the tools, the clinical analysis, and the human component...or to put it another way...

The Implements

The Implementation

The Implemented

That 254 feels like crap, by the way. If we were in conversation, I'd likely not let on.

I'd tell you about how my babies drove me crazy during my hour with The Evil Genius. About how Dibbs spat up on EG's lovely pants suit and Sweetie whined and cried over her pacifier that was still in the car. About how I breastfed Dibbs twice, changed three diapers in her office floor, and how Sweetie peed through two pairs of pants. About how it was impossible to focus - but that my blind faith in Evil G's calculator abilities had me leaving the office with renewed hope that my correction factor and overnight basals were in better shape. That I could enjoy a walk with my family after dinner without worrying about making it back to the house for a second juice box.

Stick a pin in me. I'm done today.

1 comment:

  1. LOL - Love the Evil Genius. And I'm sure she didn't give 2 hoots about the spit up :-)
