Monday, March 3, 2014

Best of the Betes Blogs: February 2014

It's my first time to host Best of the Betes Blogs!

February was quite a month for our community - with 2 awareness and advocacy initiatives at full throttle: Spare a Rose and Diabetes Art Day. A lot of wonderful posts surfaced this month and I am happy to point you to some great ones.
Best Use of Humor
Moira of Despite Diabetes: "Those questions we all get..."
I can't wait to use some of these suggestions in her handy guide for answering ignorant questions.

Best Vlog
George of Ninjabetic: "Back to D Future"
What would you tell Dr. Banting about living with Diabetes in 2014? How do you think he'd respond?

Best Recipe
Katy of Bigfoot Child Have Diabetes: "Waffle Factory Tour"
Katy and I are both going through the pangs of learning how to provide GF foods for our kids. And she is baking in bulk. This waffle recipe is low carb and tasty, too? Sign me up!

Best Use of Photography
Stephanie of robotPANCREASattack discovered a cool piece of street art that she had to share with us.

Best Advocacy
Yours Truly of Sweetly Voiced: "Snickers"
Well, this is awkward. If I didn't really REALLY believe in this post against bullying people with diabetes, I would never choose my own post for an award, but several people nominated it, so I'm just kowtowing to the fans today, okay?

Best Non-D Related Post
Heather of Unexpected Blues: "...Why I'll Never Be a Successful Writer"
Heather may feel like she's insulating herself from us with her gorgeous poetic imagery, but I always feel she lays herself bare with it and I adore her for it. Her metaphor of drowning in this post is one of the most beautiful things I've read in a long time.

Best Post by a Type 1
Meredith of With a Side of Insulin: "The Truth About Diabetes"
Meredith speaks to the fundamental truth about what it's like to live with an invisible and awfully temperamental illness.

Best Post by a LADA/ Type 1.5/ Not otherwise specified
Katy (again) of Bigfoot Child Have Diabetes: "Auto-Correct"
Katy gets a nod in two categories this month, which shouldn't ordinarily happen, but this is no ordinary situation. I really related to how she describes low blood sugar and my heart went out to her that it's from a perspective that a mom of a PWD doesn't ordinarily experience it.

Best Post by a Type 2
R.C. at The Fat Side of the Tracks: "What Do You See?"
A plea to HCPs to see the person and the effort...and not just the numbers.

Best Post by a Type Awesome
Wendy of Candy Hearts: "2014 Animas National Sales Meeting: I Was There for 15 Minutes"
I love a good comeback kid story. And if this opportunity helped Wendy find her words again, it was 15 minutes of awesome.

Best Story of a D-Mistake
Victoria of Victoria Cumbow: "Miss Manners got it right."
It wasn't Victoria's mistake, but she highlights where the Diabetes Online Community may have misstepped by not remembering our own manners when faced with outrage over an etiquette column.

Best Motivational Post
C of C's Life With D: "Why?"
Our CDEs devote countless hours of education and preparation to spend their careers helping people with diabetes succeed...but they can't get no respect. C asks us to think about the double standard we impose.

Best Diabetes Art
Reva of Type ONEderful: "Diabetes Art Day 2014"
This was certainly a tough category this month now that Diabetes Art Day has moved into February. Reva's 3-frame depiction of low blood sugar left me just sort of staring at the screen with my mouth open. Yes. Yes, exactly.

Best Comment
Linda made a comment to Katy that summed up what all Parents of PWD deserve to hear.

THANK YOU to all of those who made nominations and to all of those who were nominated this month. We couldn't do this without your participation and your passion for writing and sharing others' great writing.

Briley ~ inDpendence
Shannon ~ Neurotic City
Rachel ~ Probably Rachel
Scott ~ Rolling in the D
Kerri ~ Six Until Me
Alecia ~ SurfaceFine
Laddie ~ Test Guess and Go
James ~ T1DMe
Jacquie ~ Typical Type 1

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  1. Thanks for hosting! Most months I remember to nominate a post or two, but I need to do it more often. Winning a Best of the 'Betes Blogs is a nice honor for anyone in the DOC and often introduces me to bloggers whom I have not previously followed.

  2. I've hosted twice and love reading the amazing posts. Great way to learn about other blogs!
