I am once again raising money for my favorite charity - the Diabetes Hands Foundation. I have challenged myself to raise $1,000 and parody four songs over a 30 day campaign, rewriting the lyrics to some fun songs to have them be about diabetes and filming music videos for each song. I hope they'll amuse you. I wanted to channel a little Weird Al, who has always inspired me and made me laugh.
what song will this be? we shall see... |
When I was growing up with diabetes, I didn't know anyone else who could relate to what I went through everyday. When I was grown and wanting
so desperately to become a mom, I discovered the programs of the Diabetes Hands Foundation and found a place where I belonged.
I reached out my hand and people offered theirs. I found that I simultaneously had so much experience to offer and so much more to learn. Audrey Hepburn famously said, "As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others." As incoming chair of the Board of Directors(!) for DHF, I already give of my time, talent, and treasure. I want to use my hands for pulling others in, helping others up.

With your support, we can improve our programs, fund our operations, and help more people touched by this relentless and difficult disease.
I will be releasing music video parodies throughout my 30 day campaign. I hope you'll laugh, I hope to embarrass myself, and most importantly, I hope you'll take the opportunity to support what we do for people.
Let the fun begin.
Awesomely fabulous idea!!! Loved your first parody (and have been singing it since I watched it) and loved the Thank You video (and will now be singing that all day - but I don't mind) :)